How to Become Mentally Strong

Bianca Tanasa
4 min readApr 27, 2020

Mental strength is a skill that can be developed over time.

We need a strong psyche to face life’s challenges, to adapt to the changes inherent in our existence, to bring about those changes ourselves, and to pursue our dreams and goals.

Each person can do anything they want in life as long as they believe in themselves or can choose to take on a secondary role, in which their decisions and behaviours are guided by the expectations and needs of others.

When we become aware that the responsibility for our own life belongs entirely to us and we begin to make changes to fulfil our dreams, we may face on our way various obstacles, fear, insecurity, doubts, loss of confidence. If we do not have the strength to overcome all these things, we will not be able to truly reach our potential. If we do not strengthen our minds, we will allow them to control us through limiting beliefs, uncontrolled emotions and irrational fears. These elements are in fact the ones that oppose us, but once we defeat that resistance and take control, we become stronger. Mental strength helps us to continue even when everyone seems to be against us.

But what are the characteristics of strong people?

Strong people are persevering in achieving the goals they work for every day and do not give up after the first failure, understanding that failure is actually an opportunity to learn and improve. They know their values ​​and priorities, they trust their way and then they are no longer afraid that they will “get lost”. They develop a tolerance for frustration, do not give in to pleasures or momentary weaknesses that could jeopardize their achievement of goals, keep their promises, and continue when they prefer to choose comfort over effort. They dedicate themselves to the goals they set for themselves, but they do not expect to achieve results overnight. I understand that it takes time and effort for the results to be seen.

Strong people do not allow others to control them and they know that the way they feel depends only on them. They choose their emotional reactions and do not blame others for what they feel. Those who have poor emotional control get upset and lost when things do not go as expected, when unforeseen situations occur that interfere with their plans, etc. and often behave in a childish manner. Strong people understand that often things can happen that they cannot control, but this does not demoralize them but causes them to change their strategy, continuing the plans they made from the beginning. They do not consume their energy trying to control those things that do not depend on them, instead, they focus on what they can control in their life and I know that most of the time the only thing they can control is attitude.

Strong people have confidence in their ability to adapt to the new changes. They do not cling to the comfort zone and do not avoid change because they know that it is inevitable anyway, so they try to develop their flexibility and adaptability.

Strong people do not victimize themselves and do not waste their time blaming others, but rather take responsibility for their role in their own lives. When you take things personally and complain about pity by asking yourself “Why me?” “Why did something like this happen to me?” you diminish your power by positioning yourself in the role of an unjust victim. It is more useful, instead, to detach yourself, to start looking for solutions to solve problems and to focus on those aspects that depend on you and that you can change.

Strong people are not afraid to say their opinions, say things by name or say “No”. Their lives do not revolve around others, always trying to please them, in order to obtain their appreciation or validation or to avoid a confrontation.

Strong people do not live in the past and do not remain stuck in regrets wanting things to be different than they are. They learn from their mistakes so as not to repeat them and to choose wisely for the future, but they do not constantly remember the negative experiences and do not glorify the positive ones. They accept their past as it was, but they live in the present and make plans for the future.

Strong people enjoy the time they spend alone. They are not afraid to be alone with their thoughts, they enjoy their own company and do not depend on others to feel good or fill their time.

Strong people do not expect others to care for them, nor do they feel entitled for the world to give them, but seek to manage on their own and create opportunities based on their merits and strengths.

Strong people do not envy those who are successful but try to learn from them, being willing to work to evolve. They are also grateful and proud of their achievements and think about what and how they could improve by following the example of those who have already managed to get where they want.

In conclusion, mental strength helps you succeed in what you set out to do more than anything else. It helps you to cope with any situation that comes your way, to manage more effectively the daily stress but also to be more confident and calmer, to realize your potential, often blocked by negative beliefs that limit you, fears, lack of confidence and doubt. A less talented but mentally strong man can go much further than a man with many abilities or talents.



Bianca Tanasa

I seek magic in day to day life. I am passionate about technology, self-development, culture, physics, phycology